Dr. Katz uses an approach called NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) to identify and help you let go of stuck mind-body stress patterns. It’s an effective and efficient way to dramatically improve your health and well-being.
Stress responses such as fear, anger and grief can sometimes negatively affect us long after the original event that caused them. When our body fails to ‘let go’ of these learned responses, we can find ourselves with unexplained aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias, and many chronic physical problems.
Send your test results to Dr. Katz and he will go over them with you at your next session.
NET Mind-Body Stress Relief
NET relieves symptoms related to mind/body stress.
NET is used by many body-oriented practitioners to help with both acute and chronic physical problems that have an associated stress component.
When doing NET, the practitioner uses a functional neurology manual muscle test as a tool to help identify involuntary physiological
responses. In this way, the muscle test is used as a gauge of autonomic reactivity to given physical and/or verbal stimuli.
Ask Dr. Katz about NET at your next visit.
Watch the short video below to learn more about NET.