Dr. Katz’s Guidance on Immune System Optimization
and Staying Healthy in Stressful Times
Immune System Optimization Sessions with Dr. Katz
We know this is a challenging time for everyone and want to keep you informed about our efforts regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).In order to stay as healthy as possible, it is critical for each of us to optimize our immune system. The stronger one’s immune system, the better able we are to fight off disease. Though we have reinstated in-person visits, we are also able to assist you remotely with a variety of services and techniques, including Immune System Optimization sessions, special Asyra drops and patches (see Asyra Pro page) and customized clinical nutrition protocols based on your genetics (see Wholistic Methylation page). See what’s available on our new Remote Visits page. Many of these services require you to submit a DNA sample and picture, that I can use when working remotely. Download/view the DNA sample collection instructions.
Immune Boosting Supplements
If you are concerned about how to better protect yourself or if you have been in contact with someone that has contracted the virus, alternative solutions may help you enhance your immunity. We have set up an online store (for patients only) where you can order a few key immune-boosting supplements. Currently, we have the following products from Wei Laboratories available. A short consultation with me is required before getting the store password and ordering these products. To set up a free 5 - 10 minute consultation, call the office at 607-319-0813. Visit our appointments page to set up longer appointments with us. Under the Immune System Optimization category, select the Free Well-Patient Wei Labs Products Consultation and follow the prompts to schedule your appointment and fill out a short questionnaire. If the available times are not convenient for you, please call the office (607-319-0813) to set up an alternate appointment time.
If you have already developed symptoms of fever, headache, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, fatigue, and your primary care physician did not give you any treatment, Wei Laboratories has a couple of effective, all-natural herbal formulas, based on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), that can help address these symptoms. These supplements help boost the body’s immune system, and can be helpful for patients that are experiencing any flu or cold-like symptoms. This company operates at the intersection of Eastern and Western medicine, using a rigorous clinical research approach and providing formulas that address the underlying causes of conditions in addition to alleviating their symptoms. I have provided their products for many years to my patients, many of whom have had excellent results.
HOW TO ORDER: If you are interested in these supplements you can purchase them from our patient store after completing and submitting a brief questionnaire and, if deemed necessary, having a free 5-minute phone consultation with Dr. Katz. He will then provide the password to the store. Purchased items can be picked up locally at our office in Ithaca or shipped for an extra fee. Please call the office at 607-319-0813 for assistance and to schedule the free consultation.
Golden Flower Tea – This herbal tea from Wei Labs helps protects individuals from infection through immediate germ removal and immune support. The all-natural herbal ingredients work together to remove germs from the throat, respiratory tract, and heart – at the same time enhancing and supporting the immune system. The all-natural ingredients include:
Flos Lonicerae (Honeysuckle) - The most important herb for flu prevention in China. Kills germs immediately from the throat and upper airways.
Weeping Forsythia Capsule - antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, flu prevention
Ginger - flu prevention; eases nausea and loose stools
Dried Tangerine Peel - warming; balances the Weeping Forsythia
Milkvetch Root - enhances qi and promotes healthy white blood cell production to strengthen immunity
Cassia Twig - antibacterial; strongly inhibits flu viruses
For an in-depth explanation of these herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, read the Product sheet.
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Silver Flower Formula – This all-natural herbal formula from Wei Labs is designed to help boost the body's immune system for patients experiencing flu-like symptoms. The use of Silver Flower does not require a full diagnosis of a viral infection, and is recommended for people with any flu or cold symptoms, such as a cough, itchy throat, fever, fatigue, or diarrhea. According to Classical Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Silver Flower formula helps expel Cold Evil Qi in the respiratory tract. For more detail see the Product sheet. Read a recent case study from NYC.
The products can also be ordered directly from Wei Labs. Contact Mira Schroeder at 612-808-9243 or mira.schroeder@weilab.com and let her know you are a patient of mine.
““Thank you so much! That Silver Flower formula is about the most incredible thing ever. I cried over how helpful it is. Within 24 hours, my lung pain went from an 8 to a 2. It’s amazing!””
Self-Help Tools and Resources
Self-help tools can be a lifesaver. One of the most helpful is the First Aid Stress Tool (FAST). Patients can use it at home to provide relief of symptoms related to mind/body stress. FAST comes from a technique, called NET, that I use all the time with patients. NET addresses the mind/body effects of stress in greater depth and helps patients deal with the root causes. Download
Staying Healthy
Here are some actions you can take right now to optimize your immune system:
Eat healthy foods – If you have more time in your schedule now, I highly recommend you take the time to prepare most of your own meals with healthy (organic when possible) ingredients. Increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits, and greatly reduce your intake of refined sugars, industrial packaged products and genetically modified foods.
Lemon Water - To help alkalize your system, drink lemon with hot water and reduce cold foods and drinks.
Moderate your caffeine and alcohol consumption – Caffeine and alcohol consumption have negative effects on your immune system. If you can’t do without, consume only small amounts.
Clear your mind – Meditate, do yoga and breathing exercises.
Exercise – Move your body daily! Take a walk, jump rope, dance in your living room, join an online fitness class, etc.
Relax – These are very uncertain times, which can generate a great deal of stress. The more stress you carry, the weaker your immune system. Do something every day that promotes relaxation – read a favorite book, spend some quiet time in nature, pull that old guitar you used to play out of the closet or grab your dusty collection of paintbrushes and make some art.
Limit your news consumption – It’s important to stay informed, but easy to ingest too much unsettling news, which can increase stress levels. Remember to get offline regularly and do something postive for yourself, your family, your community.